Maarten De Ceulaerl – Facing the Art


3. 4. 2024 16:30

His inspiration for the graduation project “Pile of Suitcases” was primarily a passion for traveling—though he sees every new project as a journey into uncharted territory. Maarten de Ceulaer, originally from Belgium, is a graduate of the prestigious Design Academy Eindhoven. His approach to conceptual design lies in linking archetypal typologies and forms with finding their new meanings and functions. In sculptural furniture series like his “Mutation” or “Suitcases,” he works with luxurious materials as well as poetic metaphors. Moreover, he considers the emotional aspect of objects to be just as important as their functional one. His lecture as part of the “Facing Art” series will take a look behind the scenes of how his projects are created.

The program is part of the Design Ústí festival.