
Projekt: Domov

19. 3. – 9. 4. 2025
Gallery 1

Home is an intimate place for everyone, shared only with close family and closest friends. Home is a private territory, a place behind the curtain behind which the life stories of families and individuals. Home is a place where everyone can feel themselves. But there are only a select few who can create a home that that becomes an imprint of their worldview and philosophy of life. Such homes then become icons of their time and tell the stories not only of their inhabitants but also of the creators who made them created for them. Into such homes, be they apartments, family homes, villas, or even palaces, we are naturally drawn to peer into all the more. They are homes of cultural and historical value. A these are the homes that experts and enthusiasts around the world are documenting
to imagine what such living spaces look like, what their atmosphere is like and how they their inhabitants feel.

These people have a unique ability to get into these homes and make unique records of what the spaces look like where people not only live, but dream. For the exhibition Project: Home, we have selected a few such individuals who are able to overcome barriers of intimacy and privacy and enter the private spaces of apartments, family homes and houses and villas to document some of the unique spaces designed by architects or artists for their specific inhabitants. The exhibition brings together, side by side, professional photographers documenting similar spaces for magazines or publications, architects visiting the houses for their own inspiration, historians and journalists writing about their stories, and real estate agents helping such unique homes to move from their original owners to new ones, who will responsibly care for these architectural gems and places full of captivating life stories. With the architecture of the exhibition, which is based on large-scale photographs of authentic of the interiors of some of the homes that the participants visited for various reasons, you can imaginatively enter them too.


Phillip Arnold AUS, Michal Doležel CZE, Maciej Czarnecki POL, Leonardo Finotti BRA
Graham Hart USA, Mary Gaudin NZL, Duncan Gibbs AUS
Gerlin Heestermans BEL, Rob Kallick USA
Alexandra Lange + Chris Mottalini USA, Romain Laprade FRA, Julio César Mesa Arboleda VEN
Dung Ngo USA, Stefi Orazi GBR, Cristobal Palma CHL
Andrew Pielage USA, Tim Ross AUS
Adam Štěch CZ, Arnaud Tandt BEL,
Leslie Williamson USA


Adam Štěch

Kristýna Císařová
Zuzana Doleželová
Dominik Kobeda
Markéta Müllerová

Architecture of the exhibition
Matěj Činčera a Jan Kloss

Graphic design
Přemysl Zajíček

Výstava je součástí festivalu Design Ústí. / The exhibition is part of the Design Ústí festival.

Výstava je výstupem projektu RUR – Region univerzitě, univerzita regionu, reg. č. CZ.10.02.01/00/22_002/0000210
Project RUR - Region University, University of the Region

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