Jiří Thýn – The Butterfly of Hope

18. 9. - 23. 11. 2024


Curators: Anežka Chalupová and Vít Novák

For visual artist Jiří Thýn, the primary means of expression is photography. However, he is constantly exploring this medium, analyzing and re-evaluating it, often on both a conceptual and more intuitive level. His photographic works always touch on themes that are personally relevant to him.

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Jacek Doroszenko – Environmental Practice: Resin Arpeggio

18. 9. – 23. 11. 2024


Gallery 3

Jacek Doroszenko focuses on the relationship between sound and space in his artistic work. The sound composition for Gallery 3 has the character of a sound walk through inaccessible rooms where the processes of combining elements and their processing take place. Here the listener is guided along a path of sound sensations, sometimes abstract and at other times more associated with musical language.

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In Motion

18. 9. - 23. 11. 2024


The exhibition “In Motion,” conceived by doctoral candidate Kateřina Javůrková, engages with the intricate dynamics of movement within the realm of graphic design.

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