25. 4. — 27. 7. 2024

Every spring, nature comes alive with the song of birds, and this year is no exception, as the Ústí nad Labem House of Arts resonates with it. The international exhibition project with a Czech-German focus was jointly prepared by Pavlína Morganová (head of VVP AVU) and Petra Stegmann (director of Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven), combining diverse artistic views on birds from the perspective of conceptual and action art, sculpture, video, as well as performance and drawing from the 1960s to the present.

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Artur Magrot: OBĚŽIVO

24. 4. — 27. 7. 2024

Artist: Artur Magrot
Hosted by Dušan Zahoranský
Curator: Nina Moravcová

This interest in subversive artistic strategies, present in Magrot’s work perhaps from the very beginning, represents an intersection where he encounters the thinking of his mentor and long-time friend, Dušan Zahoranský. While Magrot, in his video installations and artistic projects over the past five years, delves deeply beneath the surface of lived, often marginal, experiences to inquire about the possibilities of our functioning within a system that is not always entirely friendly, Zahoranský essentially does the same, but in a completely different manner. Zahoranský and Magrot thus explore the concept of currency in a broader context in their joint installation. They emphasise the theme of work and its values. However, they also reflect on the distribution, redistribution, and replenishment of energy, as well as its depletion and loss. Whether it is our own energy or the potential of a system that we sometimes feed and sustain somewhat blindly through our work.

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Nela Bártová – Ohrwurm

20. 3. — 1. 6. 2024

The composition ohrwurm by multimedia artist Nela Bártová reflects the environment of the spa town of Karlovy Vary. She is interested in the moment of concentrated perception, in this case the urban environment, which is co-defined by the element of nature, thermal water. In order to capture this unique environment, the artist used an improvised hydrophone to record the sounds of water and a geophone (a contact microphone that senses vibrations in the ground). She composed both recordings into the currently presented composition in Gallery 3, and accompanied the sound installation with the author’s poetic texts.

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