Sound Reflections – Max Eilbacher: rough music volume 1

7. 4. 2022 (Thursday) → 7 p. m. 


The Ústí nad Labem House of Arts is launching a new sequence of already established Sound Reflections cycle, performative meetings with creators who often work in an experimental and innovative way with sound and its possibilities.

These meetings will start in the multifunctional hall of the House of Arts with our first guest Max Eilbacher, whose work materializes in various forms: compositions, musical performances, conceptual systems, perceptual choreography, installations or theoretical sculptures. No matter how the final work may be categorized or realized, the art typically utilizes speakers and sound waves. Central point throughout the works is examining the complex relationship between sound and experience. With each sound event, a phenomenological gap must be bridged. Max is aware that with his compositions, the listener is the agent taking such a move and therefore centers his compositions (or whatever may be emanating from a speaker) around practical implementation of the overbridge.

Originally from Baltimore — USA, MAX EILBACHER has recently relocated to Berlin. In his undergraduate studies in Baltimore he completed a major in cinematic arts with a minor in computer music and animation while maintaining an active international touring schedule with a diverse range of projects. Throughout these different ventures, what is apparent is an intentional craft concerned with the arrangement of sounds that are able to pinpoint the elusive meeting space between perception and form. Eilbacher investigates structure, timing, and sonic detail within. These concerns unfold in an artistic practice centered around expanded synthesis techniques, algorithmic composition, and process-intensive sonic manipulations. Interested in the role of acoustics in the sonic assemblage of the social, political and physical, the author draws from a diverse tradition and practice of sound, musical composition and artistic creation.

Max Eilbacher is a founding member of the musical group Horse Lords making intonation-based trance music which exemplifies a modern response to the minimal tradition. In addition to his collaborative ventures, he has presented solo compositions, acousmatic music, and works of electronic music utilizing multi-channel speakers arrays throughout North America, Europe, Canada and Japan.